Blog #1:
Masthead: this is a logo for advertisment
Selling line: a short description of the main marketing point
Dateline: Month and year of publication
Cover lines: just random cover lines running around the magazine to promote small things.
Model credit: is right beside the model but doesn't attract too much attention, only to credit the model
Bar code: used for retailers
Main cover line: it promotes something big
Left third: just to not fill up the page to much (leave some space)
Blog #2
This cover of National Geographic magazine is entitled, "Conversations With a Gorilla," with Koko the gorilla snapping a photograph of her reflection in the mirror. The photo was of such high quality and significance that it was chosen to be the cover photo for the October 1978 National Geographic article featuring Koko. Developmental psychologist Francine Patterson spent six years with Koko teaching her sign language and this led Patterson and other researchers to believe Koko displayed evidence of linguistic capabilities. |
I like this photo of the Gorilla because i find animals very fascinating. I think they are very intelligent animals and this magazine cover, expresses the intelligence in animals. They communicate this thought of animals being extraordinary by showing a gorilla holding a camera in a position that makes it look like he's about to take a picture.