Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Academic Shoot


1. How well did you follow the rule?
  • I think I did pretty good.
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?
  • I took a photo of the security guards. 
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
  • Yes
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • I didn't take a photo of Students doing anything Academic.


1. How well did you follow the rule?
  • I think i did all right, i didn't find anything else for a frame.
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?
  • I took a photo of something academic of the school.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
  • yes
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • Taken more time to take my photos
  • Taken a picture of a frame inside the classroom with kids involved maybe


1. How well did you follow the rule?
  • I think i did pretty well. Its obvious what the main subject of the photo is
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?
  • I took a picture of out mascot
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
  • yes
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • Taken more time to take my photos
  • take one of a student

Avoiding Mergers:

1. How well did you follow the rule?
  • I think I did okay, I could have done better or tried harder.
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?
  • I went to Art, they were painting and sketching pictures.
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
  • yes
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • Taken more time to take my photos                                             


  1. How well did you follow the rules?
  • I think I did okay, I could have done better or tried harder.
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?
  • Art class
3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?
  • yes
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • Taken more time to take my photos
  • went to different classrooms

  Rules of Thirds:

1. How well did you follow the rule?
  • I think I did okay, I could have done better or tried harder.
2. What is the subject (be very specific)?

  • Of our School

3. Is it clear to people looking at yours photos what the subject is?
  • No
4. If you didn't follow the rule well, what could you have done differently?
  • Taken more time to take my photos
  • went to different classroom
  • taken one of students
  • No clear Subject

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